Our Nursery & Early Years Classrooms

Play Group: 2months to 15months
"Play is the beginning of Knowledge" - George Dorsey

Our Play Group incorporates our babies and young toddlers. We offer a high quality of care in our babies room. Our rooms are arranged to create a homely environment for babies and young toddles to feel relaxed like they are at home. Our rooms are well equipped with age appropriate resources for children to experience varied sensory opportunities to develop their independent thinking. Your child’s progress of care and journey will be recorded and reported daily. 

Our EYFS Development Report will help us make professional assessments and judgements of where each child is in their journey of development and discuss with parents in areas of strengths and support. In this Room, the children learn through play and all of the prime areas of EYFS through outdoor play where they are engaged and motivated to interact as they watch and see bigger children running and playing around 

Nursery: The Explorers: 15months to 3 Years
"Through a rich creative and imaginative curriculum, young children have the opportunity to develop skills, attitudes and knowledge that will benefit all areas of their learning and development." (Bernadette Duffy, 2006)

Children in our explorers class take priority to learn three primary areas as defined by EYFS – Physical Development (PD) Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED) and Communication and Language Development (CLD) 

We provide children with an exceptional range of opportunities in the outdoor areas that enables them to practice a wide range of different skills within natural resources to enhance learning. Our Explorers Rooms work closely with our tailored curriculum that is teacher led, with support key workers in helping the children in small groups for their class activities – numeracy, literacy, communication, arts and crafts, and other non traditional learning.

Children in this room get full learning benefits of the day whether they opt for a full day session (7am to 6pm) or half day option (8am to 2pm). The approach of our curriculum is consistent with the expectations of a developing child within the age bracket of 15months to 3 years. We have a wide creative curriculum, that enables children to explore, investigate and ‘have a go’ and to calmly learn, laugh and enjoy their time with their new friends.

The room is organised into areas which is regularly enhances to reflect children’s changing interests and age facilitated activities ranging from baking, art, gardening, music and colouring and activities where the young children can explore movement and learn through play. 

The staff ratio in this room is a minimum of 1 teacher: 1 key worker to 7 children 

Pre-Reception & Reception: The Incredibles: Age 3-5 Years
“Children arrive happily at the setting…Key persons work closely with parents and carers resulting in children quickly settling in.”
"Play is the highest form of research." (Albert Einstein)

Our Pre-Reception & Reception children are excited to move up into to a little more structure at each stage, but still with nurturing care and with a full programme of early learning and play continuing to build confidence.

We help them develop an excellent foundation and understanding of subjects taught in Elementary School. The children are supported to seamlessly move to the next class where we continue to encourage creative play, imagination and self-initiative. Each fortnight we choose a new topic to capture their interest – whether indoor or outdoor

Our environment is set up to provide a lot of learning opportunities that focuses on the seven areas of learning and development.

The Pre-Reception Teaching Team consists of extremely experienced and highly qualified staff, including 2 qualified teachers, 2 teaching assistants.


We encourage children to pick up books and read and also develop the habit of reading short stories to develop their comprehension and communication skills. From age 3 to 5, we do more rigorous learning and ensure that they are fully accessing our curriculum.